The Slowest Burn by Sarah Chamberlain

The Slowest Burn by Sarah Chamberlain

Book Title: The Slowest Burn

Author: Sarah Chamberlain

Publication Date: September 24, 2024

Length: 336 pages

Genre: Contemporary Romance


*** Review ***

The author was not kidding with the title, The Slowest Burn by Sarah Chamberlain, a debut romance novel that masterfully encapsulates the slow-burn trope in a deliciously sweet and spicy tale. This story, set in the high-stakes world of culinary arts, beautifully combines themes of love, loss, and personal growth, leaving readers craving more with every page.

Kieran O’Neill, fresh off his victory on a cooking reality TV show, should be basking in his newfound fame and success. He’s on the verge of opening his own restaurant and has a lucrative cookbook deal lined up. Yet, his chaotic life and the expectations of his demanding family leave him feeling unfulfilled. Adding to his woes is Ellie Wasserman, the ghostwriter assigned to help him pen his cookbook. Ellie, a thirty-year-old widow living with her in-laws, is barely keeping it together. Between supporting her younger brother and dealing with her grief, the last thing she needs is Kieran’s unpredictable and impulsive nature disrupting her life.

The chemistry between Kieran and Ellie is immediate, though initially, it’s more of a clash than a connection. The first half of the book sees them at odds, their interactions charged with frustration and misunderstanding. Kieran’s ADHD and Ellie’s need for structure seem irreconcilable, creating a tension that simmers beneath the surface. However, as they work together, a mutual respect and understanding begin to develop, allowing their relationship to evolve from adversarial to affectionate.

Chamberlain skillfully navigates this transition, making the eventual romance between Kieran and Ellie feel both inevitable and rewarding. The slow burn is precisely that – a gradual build-up that allows readers to fully invest in the characters’ journeys. The dual POV format enhances this, providing insights into both Kieran’s and Ellie’s thoughts and emotions, making their eventual union all the more satisfying.

The narrative is rich with secondary characters who add depth and complexity to the story. Some, like Kieran’s family, embody the obstacles that both protagonists must overcome. Others, like Ellie’s in-laws, highlight the themes of duty and self-sacrifice. These characters are well-drawn and evoke strong emotions, whether love, empathy, or frustration.

One of the most compelling aspects of The Slowest Burn is how it handles heavy topics such as grief, ADHD, and emotional abuse. Ellie’s struggle with her past and her role as a caretaker is poignantly portrayed, making her journey towards self-assertion and independence deeply moving. Similarly, Kieran’s battle to be taken seriously despite his ADHD is handled with sensitivity and realism. Chamberlain doesn’t shy away from these issues but rather integrates them into the narrative in a way that feels authentic and respectful.

The cooking scenes are another highlight, vividly described and full of sensory detail. They serve as a metaphor for Kieran and Ellie’s relationship – initially chaotic and disordered, but eventually harmonious and satisfying. The collaborative process of creating the cookbook becomes a bonding experience, bringing them closer together and allowing them to heal from their respective pasts.

However, the book isn’t without its flaws. At times, the pacing feels uneven, particularly in the first half where the slow burn might be a bit too slow for some readers. Additionally, the spice in the romance scenes can feel somewhat inconsistent, with the tension build-up not always matched by the payoff. Yet, these are minor quibbles in an otherwise engaging and heartwarming story.

The Slowest Burn is a delightful romance that deftly balances sweetness with a touch of spice. It’s a story of two flawed, deeply human characters finding their way towards each other and towards their best selves. Chamberlain’s writing is both tender and humorous, making this debut a promising start to what I hope will be a long and successful career.

For anyone looking for a romance that is as satisfying as a well-cooked meal, The Slowest Burn is a must-read. Its blend of heart, humor, and heat makes it an interesting choice in the genre, and its characters will linger in your mind long after the final page is turned. So pick up this book – you’ll be glad you did.

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