Silver Lady by Mary Jo Putney
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Silver Lady by Mary Jo Putney

Book Title: Silver Lady

Author: Mary Jo Putney

Series: Dangerous Gifts #1

Publication Date: November 28, 2023

Length: 368 pages

Genre: Historical Romance


Silver Lady by Mary Jo Putney

*** Review ***

Reading Silver Lady by Mary Jo Putney feels like entering a world of enchantment and romance, where the rugged landscapes of Cornwall set the stage for a tale of love, danger, and unearthing one’s true self. In this historical romance novel, the acclaimed author takes readers on a journey to the remote English county of Cornwall, where two protagonists, Bran Tremayne and Merryn, discover their shared legacy, a powerful passion, and a common enemy.

In this historical romance novel, the acclaimed author takes readers on a journey to the remote English county of Cornwall, where two protagonists, Bran Tremayne and Merryn, discover their shared legacy, a powerful passion, and a common enemy.

The novel introduces us to Bran Tremayne, a man burdened by his heritage and abandoned at birth by his British noble family. As a special agent for the Home Office, he finds himself drawn to the captivating Cornish countryside, sensing trouble brewing along the coast. It’s there that he crosses paths with Merryn, a woman shrouded in mystery due to her amnesia. Despite the uncertainties surrounding her past, Bran feels an innate urge to protect her.

As the plot unfolds, the chemistry between Bran and Merryn intensifies, and they become entangled in a web of danger. Merryn’s connection to a plot involving French agents and Cornish smugglers throws them into a perilous situation. From misty woodlands to stormy shores, they embark on a journey that tests their courage, loyalty, and growing affection for each other.

Silver Lady blends historical romance with a touch of the paranormal, as both Bran and Merryn possess unique gifts. This intriguing subplot adds an extra layer of fascination to the story, immersing readers in a world where anything is possible. While the paranormal element might not appeal to everyone, it undeniably brings a fresh and unique twist to the Regency romance genre.

Mary Jo Putney’s storytelling prowess shines through in her vivid descriptions of Cornwall’s breathtaking landscapes. Her portrayal of the setting not only serves as a backdrop but also becomes an integral part of the narrative. The misty woodlands and stormy shores mirror the emotional rollercoaster that Bran and Merryn experience throughout their journey, creating an immersive reading experience.

Bran and Merryn themselves are well-crafted characters, each carrying their own emotional baggage and insecurities. Bran’s complex relationship with his past and his duty to protect others make him a relatable and endearing hero. Merryn’s amnesia adds an air of mystery, allowing readers to uncover her true identity alongside her. The development of their romance feels genuine and heartwarming, even if some aspects of their journey stretch the bounds of reality.

In terms of pacing, Silver Lady offers a mix of action-packed sequences and more introspective moments. While the narrative occasionally meanders into less thrilling territories, the overall sense of adventure and the unraveling of the central mystery keep the reader engaged. Mary Jo Putney’s knack for creating a sense of camaraderie among the characters, especially the Tremayne family, fosters a feeling of connection that resonates long after the final page is turned.

While Silver Lady is undoubtedly an entertaining historical romance, it’s important to acknowledge its departures from realism. The concept of gifted individuals knowing things conveniently might not resonate with all readers. However, in the realm of fiction, some suspension of disbelief is often required to fully appreciate the magic of the story.

In conclusion, Silver Lady by Mary Jo Putney is a captivating blend of historical romance, intrigue, and the supernatural. Set against the enchanting backdrop of Cornwall, the novel weaves a tale of passion, mystery, and courage. While it may not be the most realistic portrayal, the unique premise and endearing characters make it a worthwhile read for those seeking a touch of magic in their Regency romance. Mary Jo Putney’s ability to transport readers to another time and place remains unparalleled, and Silver Lady is yet another testament to her storytelling prowess.

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