Salt Kiss by Sierra Simone

Salt Kiss by Sierra Simone

Book Title: Salt Kiss

Author: Sierra Simone

Series: Lyonesse #1

Publication Date: September 12, 2023

Length: 352 pages

Genre: LGBT Romance


Salt Kiss by Sierra Simone

*** Review ***

As I delved into the pages of Salt Kiss by Sierra Simone, I was swept into a world where passion knows no boundaries, and desire dares to defy societal norms. Simone’s masterpiece is a modern-day retelling of the timeless legend of Tristan and Isolde, infused with the intoxicating blend of queerness and kink. From the very first page, I was captivated by the magnetic pull of the narrative, a journey that left me yearning for more.

Simone’s storytelling prowess shines brilliantly in this novel. The juxtaposition of the classic Tristram/Iseult legends with the contemporary backdrop is nothing short of genius. As a lover of mythology, I found myself thoroughly enthralled by the clever adaptation of this age-old tale into the realm of romance and desire. The vivid imagery and sensual prose drew me in, creating a vivid cinematic experience in my mind.

One cannot help but be entranced by the complexity of the characters. Tristan, our enigmatic protagonist, a former soldier adrift in a sea of uncertainty, is brought to life with exquisite depth. His struggles, desires, and self-awareness are masterfully depicted, making him a character one can’t help but root for. His journey from a place of emotional emptiness to discovering the depths of his desires is nothing short of a revelation.

Mark Trevena, the enigmatic and morally ambiguous owner of Lyonesse, adds a layer of complexity to the story. His cruel and wicked nature, coupled with his unapologetic amorality, creates a character that is as compelling as he is morally confounding. Tristan’s attraction to Mark, despite knowing he shouldn’t want him, forms the crux of the story’s forbidden allure.

Isolde Laurence, Mark’s soon-to-be bride, defies expectations in every way. Simone beautifully portrays her as a young, quiet, and determined woman who finds herself trapped in an arranged marriage. As Tristan and Isolde travel together, their burgeoning connection adds an element of unexpected intimacy to the narrative. The chemistry between them sizzles, and their shared moments under the cold stars ignite a searing passion that can’t be denied.

What truly sets Salt Kiss apart is its fearless exploration of BDSM themes, submission, and pain. Simone delves deep into the world of kink, and the intensity is palpable. As someone who typically shies away from degradation in literature, I was pleasantly surprised by how the author handles it in this narrative. The fact that it’s Tristan, a male protagonist, who experiences this dynamic with another man, Mark, adds a unique and refreshing twist to the narrative. Simone skillfully narrates the story entirely from Tristan’s perspective, allowing readers to intimately experience his emotions and newfound desires.

However, one aspect of the story left me perplexed – Tristan’s inexplicable love for Mark. While I could understand his attraction and desire, the depth of his love for a character as cold and unfeeling as Mark remained a puzzle. This, along with the somewhat limited presence of the F in the promised MMF dynamic, left me wanting more in terms of character development and exploration.

In conclusion, Salt Kiss by Sierra Simone is a breathtaking, thought-provoking, and sensually charged masterpiece that reimagines a classic legend in a modern, queer, and kinky context. With its enthralling narrative, well-crafted characters, and fearless exploration of desire and submission, it is a testament to Simone’s literary prowess. This book left me yearning for more and eagerly anticipating the next installment in the Lyonesse trilogy. Sierra Simone has proven once again that she is a masterful writer in this genre, and Salt Kiss is a must-read for anyone seeking a passionate, intellectually stimulating, and emotionally resonant experience.

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