Hunt on Dark Waters by Katee Robert
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Hunt on Dark Waters by Katee Robert

Book Title: Hunt on Dark Waters

Author: Katee Robert

Series: Crimson Sails #1

Publication Date: November 7, 2023

Length: 336 pages

Genre: Fantasy Romance


Hunt on Dark Waters by Katee Robert

*** Review ***

Katee Robert’s Hunt on Dark Waters is a delightful plunge into a fantastical world of magic, romance, and pirates that will leave you yearning for adventure on the high seas. This captivating tale follows the escapades of Evelyn, a witch with a penchant for trouble, and Bowen, a mysterious pirate captain, as they navigate a realm filled with mythical creatures, enchantments, and danger.

The story kicks off with a bang as Evelyn, our chaotic bisexual witch protagonist, finds herself tumbling through a portal into an unfamiliar world after a daring heist from her vampire ex-boyfriend. It’s in this strange new realm that she is rescued from the treacherous waters by a band of swashbuckling seafarers led by Bowen, a character who embodies the essence of a dark paladin pirate. Their encounter sets the stage for an adventure that is part love story, part magical odyssey, and all captivating.

One of the book’s notable strengths lies in its diverse and engaging characters. Evelyn’s fiery personality and penchant for stealing things make her a captivating protagonist. While she might fit the mold of the feisty female lead, her chaotic nature and unapologetic spirit set her apart. On the other hand, Bowen, the golden retriever pirate captain with telekinetic powers, brings a surprising depth to his character. His gradual attraction to Evelyn is portrayed with subtlety and nuance, adding layers to their budding romance.

The world-building in Hunt on Dark Waters is nothing short of impressive. Katee Robert introduces readers to a realm teeming with magical and mythological creatures, keeping the sense of wonder alive throughout the narrative. The use of telekinetic powers within the story is a clever and imaginative twist, showcasing the author’s creativity in weaving magic into her world.

However, while the book shines in many aspects, there are areas where it falls short of its potential. The narrative could benefit from more insight into Evelyn and Bowen’s pasts through well-placed flashbacks. Particularly intriguing is the desire for Bunny’s perspective and knowledge, which could have added depth to the story. Additionally, a more comprehensive exploration of the world and increased interactions with secondary characters would have enriched the overall experience.

The book’s strengths are evident from the very beginning. Katee Robert’s writing style is fluid and engaging, with dual narratives that propel the story forward. Evelyn’s snarky voice adds a delightful layer of humor, while Bowen’s noble yet piratical demeanor creates engaging banter between the two. The initial setup, with an otherworldly witch finding herself on a pirate ship torn between joining the crew or being hunted, is both thrilling and irresistible.

Furthermore, Hunt on Dark Waters excels in its representation of diverse characters. Evelyn’s bisexuality is portrayed with authenticity, and the inclusion of characters who use they/them or ze/zir pronouns seamlessly integrates into a queer normative world. It’s also refreshing to have a plus-sized protagonist like Evelyn at the helm of the story.

Regrettably, the book’s pace falters in the second half. What starts as a gripping and action-packed adventure gradually becomes drawn out, seemingly to set up future books in the series. This pacing issue detracts from the overall tension and excitement that the story promises. While the characters’ feelings of uncertainty are understandable, the plot should not mirror this stagnation for too long.

Another drawback lies in the romantic aspect of the story. The insta-love between Evelyn and Bowen feels rushed and underdeveloped, leaving readers wanting more depth and emotional connection between the characters. This lack of development hampers the otherwise promising romance.

In conclusion, Hunt on Dark Waters by Katee Robert is a thrilling voyage into a world of magic, pirates, and passion. While it boasts a captivating premise, engaging characters, and a richly crafted magical realm, it falls short in terms of pacing and romance development. Nonetheless, it is a book that promises adventure and delivers a satisfying dose of pirate smut. If you’re in the mood for a fantastical escape with chaotic witches, noble pirates, and a touch of the extraordinary, Hunt on Dark Waters is worth setting sail for.

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