Done and Dusted by Lyla Sage

 Done and Dusted by Lyla Sage

Book Title: Done and Dusted

Author: Lyla Sage

Series: Rebel Blue Ranch #1

Publication Date: June 6, 2023

Length: 348 pages

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Rating: 3 out of 5.


 Done and Dusted by Lyla Sage

*** Review ***

In  Done and Dusted by Lyla Sage, readers are taken on a journey into the lives of Clementine “Emmy” Ryder and Luke Brooks, two individuals who find themselves caught in a small-town romance. The book’s vintage-esque covers initially caught my attention, and I was intrigued by the promise of a small-town, cowboy, brother’s best friend romance. While the novel proved to be an enjoyable and steamy read, it ultimately fell short in certain aspects, leaving me with a mixed impression.

One of the aspects that stood out to me was the charming small-town setting. Sage paints a vivid picture of Meadowlark, with its ranches and the cozy cabin where Emmy resides. The author’s descriptions brought the surroundings to life, making me feel as though I was experiencing the beauty of Wyoming firsthand. I could easily visualize the tranquil landscapes and imagine the warmth of Emmy’s cabin, which added a cozy element to the story.

Sage’s writing style is approachable and easy to read, making it a breeze to dive into the narrative. The prose flows smoothly, allowing the story to unfold effortlessly. This style of writing doesn’t overwhelm the reader, and I appreciated the author’s ability to maintain a balance between providing enough detail and keeping the story engaging. It made for a relaxed reading experience that I could easily lose myself in.

The heart of  Done and Dusted lies in the relationship between Emmy and Luke. Childhood acquaintances, their connection evolves into a potential romance as adults, blending familiarity with the thrill of discovering one another anew. The chemistry between the two is palpable, and the romantic moments are both lovely and steamy, eliciting a range of emotions as I followed their journey. The small-town atmosphere added an extra layer to their connection, creating a sense of community and shared history that further enhanced their blossoming relationship.

However, while the romance between Emmy and Luke was enjoyable, the novel fell short in exploring its heavier themes. The story attempts to address topics such as ADHD, but these issues lacked the depth and nuance necessary to truly understand the characters’ experiences. It felt as though the author touched upon these themes without delving into their complexities, leaving me wanting more substance and exploration.

Moreover,  Done and Dusted lacked a certain depth of heart and soul. While the romance was cute and entertaining, it didn’t possess the emotional depth needed to truly engage me as a reader. The narrative stayed mostly on the surface, skimming over potentially profound moments that could have further enriched the characters’ journeys. As a result, the story fell into a space where it was neither incredibly captivating nor particularly emotional, but just enough to keep me entertained without leaving a lasting impression.

In terms of the overall reading experience,  Done and Dusted proved to be an easy book to consume. The accessible writing style, combined with a steady plot progression, made it a page-turner. I found myself quickly immersed in the small-town charm and invested in Emmy and Luke’s relationship. However, as much as I enjoyed the book, it didn’t leave a lasting impact. It falls into the realm of being a pleasant but ultimately forgettable read.

In conclusion,  Done and Dusted by Lyla Sage offers a charming small-town romance with its appealing vintage-esque covers and cozy setting. It delivers a steamy love story between childhood acquaintances, filled with enjoyable moments. However, it falls short in fully exploring its heavier themes and lacks the depth required to make a lasting impression. While it provides an easy and engaging reading experience, it ultimately falls into the category of being a cute but forgettable book.

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