Always the Bridesmaid by Laura Carter

Always the Bridesmaid by Laura Carter

Book Title: Always the Bridesmaid

Author: Laura Carter

Series: Brits in Manhattan #4

Publication Date: November 17, 2023

Length: 294 pages

Genre: Contemporary Romance


Always the Bridesmaid by Laura Carter

*** Review ***

Always the Bridesmaid by Laura Carter is a delightful journey into the world of love, laughter, and second chances. Set against the vibrant backdrop of London, this book introduces readers to Charlie, a cheeky comedian who thrives on making people laugh, and Sarah, a widowed woman who has dedicated her life to making her best friend’s wedding perfect. As they navigate the chaotic waters of pre-wedding festivities, the sparks between them fly, and the result is a heartwarming love story that leaves readers with a warm and fuzzy feeling.

The story begins with a classic case of opposites attracting. Charlie, the funnyman of London’s comedy scene, is not Sarah’s cup of tea at all. In fact, she finds him grumpy and surly, with her friends secretly trying to set them up. However, fate has other plans when an unforeseen twist forces them to share more time together than they ever imagined. What follows is a beautiful journey of self-discovery and a growing connection between two seemingly incompatible souls.

The characters in Always the Bridesmaid are wonderfully crafted and relatable. Charlie, with his quick wit and soft heart, is a standout character. His humor provides a refreshing contrast to Sarah’s serious demeanor. Sarah, on the other hand, is a selfless woman who, at first glance, seems solely dedicated to her best friend’s happiness. However, beneath her composed exterior lies a heart that has endured its own share of pain and heartbreak.

What makes this book truly special is the gradual transformation of Charlie and Sarah’s relationship. The initial dislike they have for each other slowly evolves into friendship, and eventually, romance. Laura Carter beautifully captures the essence of their journey, making it easy for readers to invest in their budding relationship. The witty banter between the two adds a layer of charm and authenticity to their interactions, making them feel like real people with flaws and vulnerabilities.

One of the standout aspects of the book is its vivid portrayal of London. For readers familiar with the city, the descriptions of its iconic landmarks and neighborhoods will evoke a sense of nostalgia. And for those who have never been to London, it serves as a virtual tour that ignites a desire to explore the city’s beauty and culture.

The supporting cast of friends adds depth and richness to the story, hinting at their own intriguing tales waiting to be told in future books of the series. Their camaraderie and loyalty create a sense of community that adds to the overall warmth of the book.

However, there are moments in the story where Sarah’s character may come across as conflicted and inconsistent. Her struggle to balance her own feelings with her dedication to her friend’s wedding can be a bit frustrating at times. While it’s understandable that her character is grappling with her past, some readers may wish for more clarity and assertiveness from her.

Charlie, on the other hand, displays a remarkable amount of patience and understanding, which might make some readers yearn for him to assert himself more in the relationship. However, his backstory sheds light on why he treads carefully, adding depth to his character.

In conclusion, Always the Bridesmaid is a charming and heartwarming romance that takes readers on a delightful journey through the streets of London. Laura Carter’s storytelling prowess shines through in her ability to craft well-rounded characters and a captivating love story. Despite some minor inconsistencies in character development, the book succeeds in delivering a sweet and satisfying romance that will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy inside. Whether you’re a fan of contemporary romance or simply looking for an engaging, quick read, this book comes highly recommended. Laura Carter’s London-based love story is a true gem, and it will undoubtedly leave you eager to explore more of her work.

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