A Rogue to Forget by Hildie McQueen

A Rogue to Forget by Hildie McQueen

Book Title: A Rogue to Forget

Author: Hildie McQueen

Publication Date: September 20, 2023

Length: 184 pages

Genre: Historical Romance


A Rogue to Forget by Hildie McQueen

*** Review ***

In Hildie McQueen’s A Rogue to Forget, the second installment of her Rogues of the Lowlands series, we are drawn into a tale of love, mystery, and fortunes. This book takes us on a rollercoaster ride through the lives of Henry Campbell and Hannah Kerr, two characters whose worlds collide under extraordinary circumstances.

The story is set against the backdrop of a high-stakes challenge involving four friends determined to secure their financial future. With a looming deadline and debts to repay, Henry Campbell, one of the main protagonists, decides to take a rather unconventional route by marrying a debutante with a substantial dowry. However, fate has other plans for him as he stumbles upon a murder that changes the course of his life forever.

Hannah Kerr, on the other hand, is a young woman whose life takes a tragic turn when her father is brutally murdered. Left alone and unprotected, she becomes the focal point of danger as her mother retreats to a convent in the face of overwhelming grief and fear. Enter Henry Campbell, who becomes her protector in a world that has suddenly turned hostile.

One of the standout features of this book is the dynamic between Henry and Hannah. Their growing connection is both heartwarming and intense, defying societal norms that dictate they should remain apart due to their differing social statuses. It is this defiance, their unwavering strength, and their refusal to give up on each other that make them such endearing characters.

As the mystery surrounding Hannah’s father’s murder unravels, the reader is drawn deeper into a web of secrets and hidden motives. Yet, it is in the resolution of this mystery that the novel falls slightly short. The answers to some crucial questions are left wanting, leaving the reader with a sense of unfulfilled curiosity.

Despite this minor hiccup, A Rogue to Forget is a well-written and enjoyable read. Hildie McQueen’s storytelling prowess shines through as she weaves a narrative that keeps the reader engaged from start to finish. The challenges faced by Henry and Hannah, both individually and as a couple, are relatable, and their journey towards a happily-ever-after is both touching and satisfying.

The book’s pacing, though initially slow, gains momentum as the plot thickens, culminating in an exciting and emotionally charged climax. Henry Campbell’s character development is particularly noteworthy, as he transforms from a reckless gambler to a responsible protector, mirroring the overarching theme of growth and maturity.

The social differences between the characters add depth to the story, serving as a constant reminder of the challenges they face. This theme of social divide, along with the gripping mystery and the pursuit of fortunes, creates a multifaceted narrative that keeps readers eagerly turning the pages.

Furthermore, A Rogue to Forget is enriched by a supporting cast of friends and family, whose presence adds layers of emotion and complexity to the story. The camaraderie among the four friends, the hurdles they face, and the camaraderie they share are compelling elements that enhance the overall reading experience.

In conclusion, A Rogue to Forget by Hildie McQueen is a captivating love story intertwined with mystery and the pursuit of fortunes. While it may have its minor flaws, such as unresolved mysteries, it ultimately delivers a heartwarming tale of love and growth. The characters of Henry and Hannah, along with their compelling journey, make this book a worthwhile addition to the Rogues of the Lowlands series, leaving readers eagerly anticipating the next installment. If you enjoy stories of love defying social constraints, with a dash of mystery and adventure, this book is well worth your time.

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