A Perilous Wager by Laura Landon

A Perilous Wager by Laura Landon

Book Title: A Perilous Wager

Author: Laura Landon

Series: The Willowbrook Series

Publication Date: June 25, 2024

Length: 144 pages

Genre: Historical Romance


*** Review ***

Historical romance with a dash of suspense is always an enticing combination, and Laura Landon’s A Perilous Wager delivers just that. This captivating tale takes us back to post-Crimean War England, where Major Jackson Corbin, now a civilian, is navigating the complexities of running a gentleman’s club and managing a new railroad project. His life takes an unexpected turn when he hires the capable Miss Magdalena Osbourne to help with the accounts. What follows is a rich tapestry of romance, intrigue, and danger that keeps the reader thoroughly engaged.

Major Jackson Corbin, or Jack, is a man defined by his past. After surviving the horrors of the Crimean War, where he and his best friend Bradford Prescott were captured and tortured, Jack returns to England with a renewed sense of purpose. Together with Brad, he opens Jackson’s Gentleman’s Club, a successful establishment that serves as a testament to their resilience and entrepreneurial spirit. Jack’s orderly world, however, faces disruption when he takes on the additional responsibility of managing the accounts for a new railroad line connecting Willowbrook to London. Realizing the enormity of this task, Brad suggests hiring an assistant, leading Jack to Magdalena Osbourne.

Magdalena, or Lena, is a vicar’s daughter with a sharp mind and a compassionate heart. She is also the primary caregiver for her blind sister, Esther, a responsibility she takes very seriously. Despite Jack’s initial skepticism about employing a woman in a gentleman’s club, he is quickly won over by Lena’s competence and grace. Their professional relationship soon blossoms into something deeper, though Lena’s commitment to her sister poses a significant emotional hurdle.

Lena’s character is one of the highlights of the novel. Intelligent and caring, she is portrayed as both strong and vulnerable, navigating the male-dominated world of business while fulfilling her promise to her parents to care for Esther. Her dynamic with Jack is both tender and charged with mutual respect, making their romance believable and compelling. Jack, on the other hand, is a self-made man with a photographic memory, whose past traumas and current responsibilities make him a complex and sympathetic hero.

The romantic development between Jack and Lena is paralleled by the suspenseful subplot involving embezzlement and murder. A man desperate to cover his gambling debts targets the railroad’s profits, leading to a series of dangerous encounters that threaten both Jack’s business and his life. This element of suspense adds a thrilling edge to the story, ensuring that the reader is kept on their toes until the very end.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of A Perilous Wager is the secondary romance that unfolds alongside Jack and Lena’s story. This subplot adds depth and warmth to the narrative, offering moments of tenderness that contrast with the high-stakes tension of the main plot. The novel’s surprises and plot twists are well-executed, enhancing the overall reading experience.

The novel’s historical setting is richly depicted, immersing the reader in the social and cultural milieu of the time. However, there are moments when the dialogue and interactions feel slightly anachronistic, leaning too much towards modern sensibilities. While this might momentarily pull some readers out of the historical context, it does not significantly detract from the overall enjoyment of the story.

The Perilous Wager is the fifth book in Landon’s series, but it stands well on its own. New readers can easily follow the plot and become invested in the characters without needing to have read the previous books. This accessibility makes it a great entry point for those new to Landon’s work, while returning fans will appreciate the continuity and depth added to the series.

In conclusion, A Perilous Wager is a thoroughly enjoyable historical romance that combines love, danger, and emotional depth in a compelling narrative. Jack and Lena’s story is one of resilience, trust, and the transformative power of love, set against a backdrop of post-war England and the burgeoning industrial age. Landon’s deft storytelling and well-drawn characters make this novel a must-read for fans of historical romance, particularly those who appreciate a touch of suspense and intrigue. Whether you’re drawn in by the promise of a dashing duke or the lure of a perilous wager, this book is sure to satisfy.

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